Withdrawal of Admission
The admission is meant for one complete session i.e. 1st April to 31st march. In case of withdrawal, A formal written notice must be submitted one month in advance in favor of Principal. If the students leave the students after commencement of the session or middle of the term, he/ she is liable to pay the fees and dues for the entire session. School leaving certificate, Mark sheet and any other certificate will be issued after the payment of such dues.
Admission shall be provisional till all documents are submitted at school office
Age eligibility (As on 1st April of the academic session for which admission is sought)
Requisite Documents
The following documents required to complete the admission formalities: -
Refund of Fee on Withdrawal of Admission
The students deposited the fee and subsequently withdraw the admission before commencement of the session; the fee shall be refunded after deducting admission fee and administrative charges. (As per school guideline)
If the withdrawal of admission after commencement of admission, the paid fee will not be refunded or non- transferable.

The Admission in the JPIS Kanker Entails the Following Procedure:
The students seeking admission in any class may enquire on mobile 09109969303- 04 or visit to school. The school counselor will explain you regarding schools’ merit and fill the enquiry form.
Prospectus and Registration
After this, Parents may procure the prospectus on payment of Rs. 500 and fill the registration form. You may also download the prospectus and fill the registration form by paying requisite amount via net banking/ Credit/Debit Card.
The registration fee is Non- refundable and non- transferable.
Once the registration done, The School counselor shall get in touch with parent by telephonic-ally or through SMS by calling them for interaction or counseling.
Based on interaction and criteria, the names of selected students shall be pasted on school notice board or informed to the parent through e-channel.
Admission Formalities
Once the admission is confirmed, the parent must fill the admission form and deposit the fee within 7 days. The school fee is payable on 10th of Bi- monthly. Any delay in payment of school fee shall attract Rs. 10 every day. If the fee is not deposited after 20th of the month, the name of student shall be struck off from admission register and If seeks re-admission, they have to pay re-admission fee. The admission and other fee are Non- refundable and non- transferable.